family travel

April 26, 2011 (Part 2 in a series): First Day of School

April 26, 2011 (Part 2 in a series): First Day of School

Some truths I’ve learned:
A. Vacation Mexico is not the same as Living Mexico.
B. Quaint, charming, ‘manana’ Mexico is different from Mexico 2011 with a family.
C. Your children are your favorite people and most ingratiating part of you, i.e. your personal ambassador and ticket in.

Some truths I’m coming to terms with:
A. No age is too young for telenovelas – my 3 year old would sit and watch these for hours given the opportunity.
B. While you can live cheaply, it’s a lot more pleasant to have a bit more.
C. Safety regulations are relative.
D. Bribes work.

April 1, 2011 (Part 1 in a series): An Immersion Adventure in Mexico

April 1, 2011 (Part 1 in a series): An Immersion Adventure in Mexico

I am so excited. I am nervous. I’m giddy one moment and anxious the next. I’m taking my three young children to live in Mexico for four months, specifically to San Miguel de Allende. We’re Los Angelinos, and we are all going to attend our prospective schools, play soccer, eat, drink, and be merry. That’s a little overkill, and greatly exaggerated. I know it won’t all be merriment.

For starters, my husband will commute to be with us...